Saturday, September 5, 2020

Strife at FOX News Over President's Fallen Soldier Comments

Jeffery Goldberg's Atlantic report about President Trump's disparaging comments about dead US service members is currently the top story (and growing) in the news/ election cycle. Biden has seized on it. Trump has angrily denied the story, highlighting its potential impact.

The report gained further credibility after it was backed up by FOX News journalist Jennifer Griffin. The  President has called for her to be fired. All of which is causing a lot of confusion at Trump-friendly FOX News. FOX's opinion shows and news programs are downplaying the comments, even as colleagues defend Griffin.

Which has (predictability) led to intense speculation about the source of the bombshell story. The press is focusing on former CoS Gen John Kelly. Kelly's silence seeming to confirm the rumors. Generals Mattis, Dunford and Allen also declined to comment. 

Will it have an impact on the election results? Unlikely...battle lines have already been drawn. 

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