Monday, November 23, 2020

The West Wing: Cast of Season 46 Revealed


Joe Biden is ready to be President and has announced his picks for senior staff and cabinet positions. Looks like we might be going back to the old, boring way of doing things: picking experienced people with a traditional approach to governance and international relations. From left to right:

Jake Sullivan: National Security Advisor
Cedric Richmond: Director, WH Office of Public Engagement
Jennifer O'Malley: Deputy Chief of Staff
Ron Klein: Chief of Staff
Antony Blinken: (Nominee) Secretary of State
Avril Haines: (Nominee) Director of Intelligence
John Kerry: Climate Envoy

Not pictured:
Alejandro Mayorkas: (Nominee) Head of the DHS
Janet Yellen: (Nominee) Secretary of the Treasury
Linda Thomas-Greenfield: (Nominee) UN Ambassador 

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