Saturday, November 7, 2020

Slowly Losing Our Minds...Networks Waiting Until 100% of Votes In Before Making a Prediction

This has been a very close election...but 4 days after Election Day it's clear that Biden is on his way to winning PA, NV, GA and AZ. In fact, VOX already called the election on Friday!!!

So why are the major networks not doing the same? MSNBC's Joe Scarborough has strong thoughts: the networks are intimidated by Trump. 

Scarborough continues and makes important points about why not calling the election now only adds to the very harm it hopes to lessen.

Vox has a more measured explanation, as does the Daily Kos

It's clear there is some fear, but all this waiting is also GREAT for ratings and the networks would naturally want to stretch this out as far as possible. Fear and greed is nothing new...but at some point it does become a bit ridiculous.


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