Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Fox News: Hot-mic Edition and Other Knick-Knacks

Straight-talk: Fox News anchor Sandra Smith tells it like it is, oops!

The people have spoken...again: Almost 80% of American believe Biden won the election, including a majority of Republicans. Nearly 6/10 Republicans and almost all Democrats said Biden won.

Ouch...Trump, who? British PM Boris Johnson, formerly one of DJT's closest allies, gushed over Biden and referred to Trump as 'former President' in Parliament

Mr. Popular: The Electoral College ("EC") votes had a lot of drama, mainly because of the order in which votes were counted--Biden is projected to ultimately win by the same EC margin as Trump's 2016 'landside' (306 to 232). But the popular vote is no contest. Biden is leading Trump by over 5 million votes and the difference is expected grow significantly when CA and NY votes are fully counted!

Dems can be "super spreaders" too: Pro-Trump supporters allege a double standard in the media that call out MAGA rallies as health risks but not the huge crowds marking Biden's victory. True...corona doesn't discriminate. Biden supporters do wear masks, but that won't altogether make up for the lack of social distancing. To be fair, CNN has noted (maybe gingerly) the risks these crowds pose. But, to be clear, these aren't organized events; if they were the media would (probably) be equally critical.

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