Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Daily Top 5 List (Oct-7-2020)

The biggest, most interesting things of the day:

5. Entertainment: It's a staple of many, if not most, films and I usually wait for it when watching any film: Movie titles said during the movie. Here's a great compilation of 'title drops'.

4. Health: The US Army's latest weapon is strategic napping. Prioritizing sleep for optimal combat performance.

3. Business: Will remote working be the norm? Several big companies certainly expect it to...This Harvard study touts the key benefits of WFM: higher productivity, lower turnover and organizational costs. OOTH, this Stanford professor warns a rushed and unstructured transition can reduce innovation and productivity. Regardless, here are some fascinating WFM statistics.

2. Politics: Kamala v Pence tonite!...Trump loses tax return subpoena appeal...To focus on SCOTUS nomination before election not stimulus deal...

...while Biden is riding high in polls with 27 days to go, particularly in key swing states...FiveThirtyEight crunches the numbers and estimates Biden has 84% chance of winning, Dems have 68% chance of flipping the Senate and 94% likelihood of retaining the House...

1. Science: The 2020 Nobel Prize for Chemistry goes to Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna for their discovery of the CRISPR gene-editing mechanism (in only 2012!!). The CRISPR tool has quickly revolutionalized biology with its ability to change the DNA of plants and animals with high precision. Its applications are wide ranging, from producing new crops to curing hundreds of diseases...but also controversial with dangers of producing 'designer humans' (He Jiankui).

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