Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Daily Top 5 List (Oct 8, 2020)

The biggest, most interesting things of the day:

5. Animal Planet: Python hunters catch biggest Burmese python on record in the Florida Everglades

4. Finance: Bloomberg columnist Matt Levine gets well-deserved profile in the Times.  The ex-lawyer and ex-Goldman banker produces the world's best finance newsletter, Money Stuff.  It's incisive, funny and always educational.

3. Awards: The 2020 Nobel Prize for literature goes to American poet Louise Gluck. Yale, where she's an adjunct professor, has a good profile of her work.

2. Business: Flurry off Financial M&A as rivals Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley continue to diversify their revenue streams away from volatile trading and advisory businesses. Goldman will acquire GM's credit card business for $2.5B, while MS will acquire asset manager Eaton Vance for $7b...also...years of easy money policies from the Fed have made the current economic crisis worse...but it's been great for billionaires

1. Politics: Remember "LIBERATE MICHIGAN"?...The FBI busts domestic terror plot to kidnap Gov. Whitmer...Whitmer, Biden say Trump culpable...Trump blames everyone

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