Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Man or Woman?

Science says male and female brains are different (duh!). The chart below highlights some of the key structural differences between our brains. (Of course, everyone's brain is unique, and there'll be degrees of variations from one person to the next)

Now psychologists have apparently devised a simple optical illusion to identify the type of brain you have based on what you see first in the below picture:

Is the man running towards you or away from you? Neurologists say that because the of the varying ways information is received and processed by male and female brains, we decipher ambiguous images differently. 

If your first impression was that the man was approaching you, then you have more of a male brain. "You try to solve your problems and pass life’s difficult obstacles using your spot-on analytical skills and good reason." You're tend to apply great focus to one task at a time...in other words, you're not a great multi-tasker.

Conversely, if your first impression was that the man was running away from you, then you probably have more of a female brain. You are creative and rely on your senses and reasoning, not rushing to make a decision. You’re a great multi-tasker and have an amazing memory (of course!).

Seems consistent with what the above chart says about our different brains. But psychologists or neurologists are just saying what we intuitively knew all along:

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