Sunday, April 17, 2022

Best College Prank Ever?

An oldie, but gold. This was an answer to a question on Quora about epic university pranks. There have been many classic ones. This one, perhaps borrowing a page from Cal Tech's 1961 Rose Bowl Hoax, certainly ranks near the top. It was perpetrated on Harvard (or Hah-vahd, if you speak Boston) by their rivals during the annual Harvard-Yale football game on November 20, 2004.  

Months prior, two Yale students, Mike Kai and David Aulicino got a grid of the Harvard Stadium seating and began hatching their plan. They made giant signs with Harvard's red or white colors on them and printed fake T-Shirts that said, “Harvard Pep Squad” as well as fake Harvard student IDs. They handed these out to more than a dozen people who would pass these signs out at the football game to the designated people in the Harvard side of the stands, who were told it would read "Go Harvard."

"Then, after they had been distributed to all the Harvard students and alumni. They gave the signal. All of the Harvard students began to hold their signs...And the prank was complete."


The full story, which got a lot of media coverage, is here. The prank was masterfully executed and had the effect of upstaging Harvard's lopsided 35-3 victory.

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