Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Wealth Porn: Hedge Fund Edition

Hedge Funds had another decent year...and that means mega payouts for the most successful managers. In 2021, the top 15 most highly-paid managers collectively made "only" $15.8 billion, down from $23 billion in 2020. Sure, things were tougher last year, with the average hedge fund generating 10.2% net returns versus 11.8% in 2020; but the average manager also did generate more alpha (Jensen's). 

                                                           Source: HFR, Mantabye

Regardless, there's nothing average about the 15 managers below, who run some of the biggest funds in the industry and often charge fees north of 2% & 20%.

Source: Bloomberg, Mantaybe

Many of the managers above, like Griffin, Hohn, Englander and Simons (who actually retired over a decade ago), are regulars on this list. The most interesting name is relatively unknown Karthik Sarma of SRS Investment Management. Much of SRS' remarkable 2021 performance was due to in large part to its long-term stake in Avis, which soared 400% last year. Kartik's a Tiger Global alum and has been staying with his sister and her family since the pandemic began. Uncle Sarma's $2 billion pay-out should allow for upgrades all around.

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