Saturday, October 16, 2021

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus...

The metaphor is apt in more ways than author John Gray probably thought when he titled his best-selling book. Room temperature has long been a common cause of arguments among couples, may even the most common. Now scientists at Tel Aviv University have discovered that female members of species are naturally drawn to warmer temperatures and men cooler temperatures because of an in-built 'evolutionary difference'...leading to physical distance between them at certain times of the year. Co-authors Dr. Eran Levin and Dr. Tali Magory Cohen hypothesize that differences in the heat-sensitive mechanisms of women and men evolved "to keep offspring away from aggressive males and to reduce competition for food."  

Oh, and going to back to our titular analogy, Mars has a surface temperature of -81 F, while Venus has a normal temperature of 847 F. Makes sense... 

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