Thursday, September 30, 2021

From Sep Slump to Oct Bump?

U.S. markets are having a tough month down around 4%. And why not, with all the inflation worries, the debt ceiling fight, Evergrande, etc...right? Or it could just be that time of the year. September is historically the worst month of the year as people return from their summer vacations/staycations, the weather gets cooler or everyone gets a little distracted by the return of NFL and the Champions League (who know!). When people look for reasons to sell, they find it. The good news, it usually gets better from here. 

Historically, the markets have made back most of September's losses in October and, on average, continue rallying into year end. In fact, it's not just September, Q3 as a whole, is generally a pretty blah quarter; while Q4 is historically the best! Below are the monthly monthly and quarterly price returns for the S&P 500 going back to 1985. Time to buy the dip...

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