Sunday, August 15, 2021

The Value of Vaccination in Two Charts

Yesterday, we wrote about how Delta was raging in the U.S. as vaccination rates stalled and highlighted a paper from researchers at Carnegie Mellon and Pittsburgh University that painted a complicated picture of those hesitant to get vaccinated. A key issue was trust: both in the government and in the vaccine itself, from side effects to efficacy.

The latest data, reported by Bloomberg, does make a very compelling case that vaccines are effective against Delta, as captured by the below two charts:

No vaccine is 100% effective but based on data from the 24 states tracking "breakthrough" cases, only 1.7% of confirmed cases were in fully vaxxed people at the end of July.

And, crucially, even if people do catch Covid after being vaccinated, they’re much less likely to be hospitalized. So get your shots! 


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