Saturday, August 14, 2021

A Sky Full of Stars: Who Gets Paid More?

Sports is big business. And the two biggest sports in the world are soccer (by far) and basketball. So naturally, the biggest names in these sports would be expected to be richly (ludicrously?) remunerated. But who's paid more, soccer or NBA superstars?

Well, on average, NBA players are better paid. The average NBA salary is $8 million/year compared to ~$4 million for players in the English Premier League (EPL)--the world's richest soccer league. But at the very top soccer players have the edge (click to enlarge):

                                    Source: and ESPN
The top 10 NBA players pull in, on average, $41.8 million/year. While the top 10 most expensive soccer players bring in, on average, $40.7 million/year--over $1 million a year less. However, the NBA is more egalitarian or sorts at the top (yes, that's an oxymoron) with Steph Curry (#1) and Klay Thompson (#10) making relatively similar amounts, $46 million and $38 million respectively. By comparison the difference between Messi's (#1) and Lewandowski's (#10) salaries is huge: $69 million vs $25 million. Seems odd, for the "people's game." But that's business.

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