Sunday, March 21, 2021

In Belichick v Brady, Is Bill the Winner? Harvard Weighs In

The burning question in the 2020-21 NFL season for many football fans was who was more responsible for the Patriots dynasty. Was it due more to Tom Brady's leadership and skills or Bill Belichick's organization and strategizing? Well, the answer seems pretty clear now...Brady won his 7th Super Bowl this winter, while the Patriots went 7-9 and failed to make the playoffs for the first time in a dozen years. 

Now Harvard has also weighed in. A HBR analyses of 38 years of football data has determined, indeed, that the quarterback is the most important piece of an NFL franchise. The quarterback is most responsible for the variation in a team's record (~40%), followed by the head coach and GM. Brady it is then! 

But wait, Belichick is said to exercise extensive authority over the Patriot's football operations, effectively making him the team's GM as well as head coach. In that case, maybe Bill Belichick has been more important for New England's six titles than Brady? Nah, what do academics know...

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