Sunday, March 28, 2021

Every Breath You Take: Cities With the Worst Air Pollution

One positive of the global pandemic has been a reduction in pollution due to measures taken to slow down the spread of Covid-19. Data from IQAir's platform shows that air quality improved in 84% of countries last year adn that most major cities saw double-digit % improvements in air quality. But also, that still we have a long way to go with only 24 out of 106 monitored countries meeting the WHO guidelines. 

And their annual list of the 20 cities with the worst air quality still had dangerous levels of pollution. All 20 cities were located in just four neighboring Asian countries: India (15), China (2), Pakistan (2) and Bangladesh (1). (Click chart to enlarge)

So, what's with India? While the dynamics are probably similar in all the listed cities, the combination of booming industrialization, extreme crowding, poor vehicle regulations, and burning of trash seems most acute in Indian cities. 

And just to put meaning to the above numbers, the chart below helpfully puts into context how poor the air quality is in Hotan, China and Ghaziabad, India. Based on PM2.5 levels...pretty Unhealthy-- with increased likelihood of adverse effects to the heart and lungs among general public. And that's after a much improved year!


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