Sunday, February 14, 2021

Trump Acquitted (Again)...Will Be President in 2024?

Two impeachments, two acquitals. Yesterday, the Senate voted 57-43 to convict Trump, but fell short of the 67 votes necessary to bar Trump from ever holding public office again. An embolden, albeit Twitter-less, Trump declared he'll be back and that this is just the beginning...

Yup, even though Trump was on TV inciting a mob to attack the Capitol. And said mob rampaged Congress seeking to capture Senators, Representatives and even his own Vice President. And 5 people died. Still, it was not enough for most Republicans to convict Trump in the very place the attack took place.

That is fear...fear of getting primaried and/ or losing the MAGA support when hopeful Republicans run for the Presidency in 2024. Fear so bad, that they would overlook an actual insurrection...Sure, some Republicans and Trump's lawyers tried to provide cover and make the claim that Trump was really horrified by what happended. Except that when a desperate Kevin McCarthy pleaded with Trump on Jan 6th to call off the mob, he was reportedly told..."Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are." McCarthy, in shock and in mortal danger, managed to (allegedly) blurt out "Who the f**k do you think you're talking to?" Of course, a few weeks later a physically safer and chastened McCarthy went to Mar-a-Lago to pledge fealty once more to the (future?) President.

So the joke's on Cruz, Hawley and others who had sights on 2024 against Kamala Harris. Trump's gonna be back and in a Tump vs Harris match-up, Trump probably wins. No wonder, Mitch McConnnell was pleading to the states to bail out the Republican party.

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