Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Hedge Fund Payday

Sure January was tough...very, very tough, for Gabe Plotkin and a few other hedge fund managers, but they'll always have 2020. The top 15 managers collectively made $23 billion, in one case even as their open funds lost billions...Yes, we're taking about you Jim "$2.6B" Simons. Renaissance's RIDA and REIF were down 20%-30% but, of course, naturally, the employees-only Medallion was up 76%--does Medallion just trade with other two? Anyways:

So, Gabe nearly lost his firm shorting GME in January, but he took home nearly ~$900M in Dec, enough to buy a new house.

1 comment:

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Mad Max by Google

The Mad Max series is about an Australia where society has collapsed and lawless rules. Did Google nearly herald such anarchy in Oz?  Accord...