Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Squid Game: South Dakota Edition

Teachers in South Dakota competed in a "Dash for Cash" game that was reminiscent of the mega-hit Netflix show. Perhaps that was the point, life imitating art. The teachers, wearing hockey helmets, "crawled into the pile of cash, frantically stuffing the bills into their shirts as an arena of spectators hollered and cheered until every dollar was snatched up." 

According to Kelo, the Sioux Falls Stampede, a local hockey team, hosted the event using money donated by CU Mortgage Direct, a Sioux Falls lender (of course!). It was billed as an opportunity for teachers to gather money for their classroom needs, with the rousing tagline: “put it in their shirt, pants, wherever... they can take as much money as they can grab during the time that we have during the intermission.”

A clip of the event went viral over the weekend and critics said the image of teachers on their hands and knees, scrambling for low-denomination bills, was “dehumanizing” and even “dystopian,” especially as teachers are paid relatively small salaries in South Dakota. In fact, according to a recent report from the National Education Association, South Dakota teachers in the 2019-20 fiscal year earned an average annual salary of about $49,000, behind only Mississippi. The state ranked 38th in terms of per-student spending, having spent about $10,800 per student in the fall term of that year...Are you not entertained?

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