Monday, November 8, 2021

Covid-19 is Partisan Too

And why not? In the U.S. everything these days is either Left or Right. Why should a virus infecting the world be different when it come wrecking havoc here? Even the solutions are political. The NY Times' David Leonhardt has great piece highlighting the large gap in vaccination rates between Democrat-leaning areas and Republican-leaning areas of the country. He writes "the political divide over vaccinations is so large that almost every reliably blue state now has a higher vaccination rate than almost every reliably red state." That pattern further extends to the county-level of each state. And that's led to significantly higher deaths among Republicans:

Why is this happening? It's predictably about conspiracy theories and "own the left." But even conspiracy minded right-wing pundits are beginning to question their side's rejection of vaccines..."In a country where elections are decided on razor-thin margins, does it not benefit one side if their opponents simply drop dead?" Maybe the easiest way to own Liberals is to stay healthy and vote?

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