Thursday, July 22, 2021

Elon will be Elon...

Was seeing space rival and the richest man in the world, Jeff Bezos, rocket into orbit hard on Elon Musk?...Is the Sahara dry?...Is Tom Brady competitive? Musk tried to keep it classy, tweeting "Congrats!" to the Blue Origin Tuesday afternoon after Bezos successfully returned from space. 

But then again, the shape of the New Shepard rocket is "interesting," and an endless source of sophomoric humor. Let's face it, looks like a giant dick; pretty sure when Jeff first saw the model he thought the same. 

So when a adult toy company tried to cash-in on the buzz by introducing a line of rocket-themed accoutrements, Elon was only happy to provide his measured thoughts... 

Yup, this is how corporate rivalry now finds expression, with the world's third richest man trolling the richest over the shape of his rocket. Oh, Elon... 

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