Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Who Let the Doge Out?

Doge is going to the moon! (Perhaps literally, very soon.) For now it is up more than 13,000% YTD. It hit $0.60 at 10a on May 4th, before falling back to the mid $0.50s. So it's worth more than two quarters.

Can it go to $1 (probably), $10, $100...um, who knows? Musk is a big booster of the cryptocurrency which certainly helps. And it could be the currency of the Musk colonies on Mars one day...but even back on earth it can now be used to make real-world purchases on sites like Travala.com or for Dallas Mavericks tickets and merchandises. So really, who knows where it goes, particularly as Bitcoin hits $60K and is out of reach for many people. Woof! Woof!! Woof!!!

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