Tuesday, January 12, 2021

12 Monkeys: Is Bruce Willis THE Superspreader?

A couple of weeks ago I rewatched Terry Gilliam's 1996 cult-classic 12 Monkeys, starring Willis and Pitt. In the film the planet is decimated by a mysterious virus and Willis plays, James Cole, a time-traveler sent from the future to figure out how it happened. Cole painfully goes through numerous time loops to find the villianous Uberspreader...we'll perhaps this is the guy he was looking for all along:

Apparently, Willis was asked to leave a L.A. Rite Aide pharmacy after he refused put on a face cover...because, you know, as Pitt's Jeffery Goines babbles to Cole: "...[Jim] says, I don't believe in germs. Germs is just a plot they made up so they can sell you disinfectants and soaps."

So, Willis is either thinking what's the point?...I've been in this movie and I know how it ends or, as Jim says, it's all just a marketing ploy by big business. 

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